TC Youth is a community for teens to grow in their relationship with Jesus and with one another. It's a place for them to learn more about who they are and how that uniqueness can be used throughout their lives.

We believe that no one is meant to walk this journey alone, and that is our mission for each teen to experience this when they come to TC Youth.

Saturdays – 3 PM
Sundays – 10 AM
TC Pondok Indah, 7th Floor

Sundays – 10 AM


Age Range

Teens between Junior High School (7th—9th grade) and High School (10th—12th grade).


Ways To Get Involved

If you’re a parent or an adult that would like to be a part of this youth ministry, there are many ways you can join:

  • Volunteer as a Tribe Leader, Admin, Event Planning, Service Coordinator

  • Open your home to be a venue for TC Youth to use for hangouts, parties, bible study, or baptisms.

These are just to name a few, but what we would really love is to get to know you and your teens so we can have a better relationship with open communication.