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LITS is a collective of people who are called and compelled to respond to the needs of the city and world as they take love to the streets; to assist people in finding their hidden potential and reach the fullness of their purpose.



This division focuses on a creative vision as a whole in order to successfully deliver engaging content for each project. This would be a substantial foundation for us to communicate why we do what we do.

Volunteer opportunities: Social Media Manager, Graphic Designers, Videographers/Photographers, and Copywriters



Provide leadership and care support for LITS team members, as well as continually build a positive environment to support volunteers and increase their productivity during projects.



All of the activities within Love In The Streets is solely supported by the generosity of our community.

Volunteer opportunities : Content creator, Fundraising Strategist



Get involved in curating our merchandise collection.

Volunteer Opportunities: Administration Team

Community Service

Together, we empower the people in our cities through various of programs



Delivering educational and personal growth related programs to marginalized kids. The programs consist of a series of art – music – games – sports and many others based on educational workshops that engage these individuals in promoting healthy relationships and provide opportunities to achieve economic stability.

We are working with around 150 kids across different places, such as:
Yayasan KDM, Bekasi
Scavenger community, Terogong
Yayasan Hati Mama, Jimbaran, Bali
Tefillah Project, West Bali village
Kids Educational Sponsorship Jakarta



Providing personal, social, physical, emotional and spiritual services within disadvantages groups and individuals within communities, including Refugee Care, Streetshare, and Low Income Community/Workers.


  • Free Medical Clinic

  • Empowerment Programs

  • Fundraising Programs to support:
    Hope Learning Centre, Bogor
    Help Refugees, Jakarta
    Refugee Cultural Nights, Jakarta
    Refugee Family Day Out, Jakarta
    Individual refugees, Jakarta


We distribute bags of sembako or meals to low income communities who were affected financially due to the Pandemic, both in JABODETABEK and Bali almost every week.

  • 200 meals almost every week

  • 50 to 500 Sembako once every month


We also deliver different programs in developing their true potential through life skills workshops and personal growth activities and programs. Believing it can enhance their capacity to effect change within their communities to mainly low income communities both in JABODETABEK & Bali, including:

  • Online Drivers, Satpam, Helpers, Teachers and many more \ UMKM - Small Business Owners

  • Scavengers Communities

  • Local Farmers (Rice/Corn/Eggs)

In collaboration with BPJS

Disaster Relief

Providing aids in the wake of disaster and recovery in the aftermath of a disaster.



We were able to extend our help during the earthquakes/flood aid to Palu, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Jabodetabek, Lombok, West Papua, Cianjur and many more areas across Indonesia. We also rally the emergency help for Ukraine refugees due to the war recently.

Initiatives are done in different ways depending on the needs, such as but not limited to:

  • Tons of essential needs (food, clothing, medicine, and more)

  • Shelter

  • Financial help




We held a Vaccination Program for free within our communities for three days, partnered up with The Collective Jakarta, JAKI, and many more. The number of people who got vaccinated was more than 600 people.

We also distributed numbers of Emergency Help to Twenty Hospitals across Indonesia

  • Up to 5,000 PPE

  • Up to thousands of vitamins + masks + hand sanitizers

  • Up to thousands of meals to medical workers

Rural Development


The need for adequate facilities for both health-medical and education purposes in Manurara Village, East Sumba is immense. Most of the residents here lack resources in critical needs of human development: food, water, education, medical care, infrastructure, gardening, and economic opportunity for local farmers.

Therefore, we are helping them find ways to help themselves to create a better standard of living by providing resources, such as: water pump, medical and educational center, solar panels, and empowerment programs.

Community Development


We are determined to empower individuals and groups of people with the skills they need to effect change within their communities, with a purpose to build their capacities for the enhancement and improvement within our communities. This is for everyone, whether they are from Upper or Middle to Low Income communities.

  • Vocational workshops

  • Health workshops

  • Personal growth workshops & case study

LITS Europe


Be a part of our team in Europe as we look for areas in which we can spread love and help in, all while serving the Ukrainian Refugees and providing aid for the homeless.

Contact us